Ethics Policy

Draper on Film is committed to reporting that is fair, accurate, complete, transparent, and independent.


Stories that appear in Draper on Film, and our social media platforms are fact-checked. Our fact-checkers verify everything from broad claims made by authors to small details, such as dates and the spelling of names. Fact-checking records at Draper on Film are archived in storage once a story is published.

Draper on Film counts on its writers to make independent evaluations of difficult topics. The best journalism—no matter how descriptive, opinion driven, or narrative driven—is based on facts, and those facts should be clearly presented in the story. Draper on Film is committed to ensuring the validity of an argument and finding balance between various perspectives on any given issue, while keeping in mind the reliability and motivations of individual sources.


As soon as Draper on Film and the team and external resources are made aware of an error, fact-checkers will review the statement in question. Any needed corrections will be noted online at the bottom of the article—and in the next print issue, if the error originally appeared in print. The correction will reference the original error and supply the correct information and the date.


Draper on Film allows the use of alternate names for real people only in cases involving legitimate safety concerns or where personal privacy must be protected for serious reasons. If the name of a subject or source is already public and associated with specific events, concealment may not be justified. We will be diligent in explaining a veiled source’s credibility, as much as possible without disclosing their identity, and in explaining why they have remained anonymous.


Journalism at Draper on Film is produced independently of commercial or political interests. Whenever the editorial staff or external resources accept any gifts, paid travel, or complimentary experiences, the content will be clearly labeled as “sponsored”. When a writer relies on an organization for access to an event or product, we are transparent about the relationship and note it within the relevant work. We also cite potential conflicts of interest—and, where applicable, credit funding sources—on the same page as the relevant work.

Contributors or writers are contractually obligated to disclose practices that may deviate from the ethics policy of Draper on Film to our editorial team.


Draper on Film maintains a style guide, which is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect current conversations about culture and terminology.

For any situation not covered by this policy, we refer to the American Press Style Guide.

Diversity Statement

Inclusiveness is at the heart of thinking and acting as journalists—and supports the educational mandate of Draper on Film. Race, class, generation, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and geography all affect point of view. Draper on Film believes that reflecting societal differences in reporting leads to better, more nuanced stories and a better-informed community.

Draper on Film is committed to employment equity and diversity.